Keys to Safely Returning to the Gym After Taking Time Off
(Like from COVID-19)
· Go slow when returning to the gym even if you feel good
· Use a 4 week ramp up period to slowly increase intensity and volume as you return
· Cut your sets or duration down slightly from your normal program
· Listen to your body in order to catch the formation of new injuries
· Perform extra warm-up sets prior to beginning working sets
There is ample evidence that a very fast increase in training exposure after being deconditioned is a great way to get hurt fast. Remember, your goal is to tear a hole in the weight stack, not a hole in your rotator cuff. For this reason you've got to take it slow.
The desire to push to the limit and get back to where you left off usually comes along with ignoring aches and pains as they pop up during and after training. Some aches and pains here and there are mostly normal for someone who pushes the envelope in the gym. However, they can also be a sign of injuries to come. I'm sure you've felt some aches and pains come and go as you push through the pain and continue on with training, you may have a serious injury on your hands.
Our physical therapists can help assess your aches and pain as you begin to train again. Identifying weaknesses and deficiencies can help prevent injury as well as get you better results faster