What is TMJ? The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the flexible joints that connect the mandible (lower jaw bone), to the temporal bone on the side of the skull. These joints allow us to talk, chew and yawn.
What is TMD? TMD stands for Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction/Disorder. They are interchangeable terms and describe a number of symptoms which occur when the jaw joints and muscles cause pain. This can be from overuse, or from an injury.
What are the Symptoms of TMD?
Symptoms can include; pain in the joint area or nearby, a reduction in the movement of the jaw, clicks or noises when yawning or chewing, ear symptoms such as pressure in the ear, dizziness or sensitivity to sound, chronic headaches and sleep disorders.
What Causes TMD? TMD can be caused by many thing. Muscle tightness and dysfunction of the TMJ may be caused by; misalignment, or trauma to the teeth or jaw, teeth grinding, also known as bruxism, stress, poor posture and arthritis or other inflammatory musculoskeletal conditions.
Why Is Teeth Grinding Bad? Teeth grinding places pressure on the muscles, tissues and supporting structures of the jaw, causing pain and joint dysfunction.
How is TMD Treated? Treatments can include; medication, appliances (splints & mouth guards), occlusal equilibration (reshaping the bite), laser therapy and physical therapy.
How will Physical Therapy Help? Physical therapy will assess the movements of your jaw, and the muscles surrounding them. Through the use of exercise, massage and education, physical therapy can reduce your pain and improve your everyday life.
Call us at 571-291-9936 to schedule your appointment today.